Juice Plus+

We all need to eat more fruits & veggies in our diets…here’s a way to bridge the gap in our nutrition between what we do eat and what we should eat!

“I recommend Juice Plus+ to all of my clients”

“Even as a personal trainer, health coach and nutrition educator super focused on healthy eating, I know I don’t eat enough fresh, whole food. I take Juice Plus+®as my “insurance policy” to have peace of mind knowing I am flooding my body with these amazing plant powders to get consistent micro nutrition in my diet daily. I am empowering myself to be proactive in protecting my good health and I recommend Juice Plus+® to all of my clients”

– Kat Morrow

What is Juice Plus+?

“The Next Best Thing to Fruits and Vegetables”

Juice Plus+ products are made from the juice powder concentrates and oils from more than 30+ different fruits, vegetables and grains. Juice Plus+ supports a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus+ products are made from quality ingredients grown farm fresh, providing valuable nutrients your body needs that traditional multivitamins can’t provide.

In addition to improving your diet with Juice Plus+ capsules and chews, there are tasty and versatile Juice Plus+ Complete Protein shakes and bars which provide another nutritious and cost-effective way to enhance your eating habits. And the plant-based Omegas are a great alternative to fish oils.

Credible Research

“Over 39 studies on the health benefits of Juice Plus+ have been published in prestigious medical and scientific journals around the world.”

Free Juice Plus+ for Kids

Juice Plus+ designed this wellness initiative to empower families and inspire healthy living at home. When a qualified, sponsoring adult takes Juice Plus+, they can get free capsules or chews for their child between the ages of 4 through college for up to 4 years.


A Jump Start to Better Health

My Services, My Brands

Shred 10

A lifestyle change program that helps you take care of the one body you have. It’s a fun, effective, and do-able jump-start to better health.

Juice Plus+

Yes! The same brand proven in prestigious medical and scientific journals. Juice Plus+ whole food capsules, shakes & chews.

Tower Garden

Want a garden but don’t have the space or the ideal growing conditions? Get vertical! Tower Garden grows greens, herbs, tomatoes & vegetables indoor/outdoor year-round.

Nutrient Rich Kids

The school and community gardening program tied to academics to teach kids to grow their own food & live healthy, active lives.

Diamonds and Jewelry

Personalized concierge service to make your diamond and jewelry experience truly unique!

Freedom Revolution

Partner with us to inspire healthy living in others and create an amazing lifestyle for yourself…

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