Tower Garden

How to Grow A Lot of Food
In A Little Space

“I love being an “urban vertical farmer.” I have so much fun growing my own fresh food in my condo and I love having access to fresh organic produce every single day – all year round – even in the harsh Wisconsin winters. I simply harvest what I’m going to eat that day for my smoothies or recipes and the rest keeps growing. It really gives me peace of mind controlling my own food source and what could be fresher?”

– Kat Morrow

Grow Fresh Anywhere

Just because you don’t have a plot of land doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own food. It just means you need to get vertical. Want a garden but don’t have the space or the ideal outdoor growing conditions? Tower Garden has a vertical, compact design and closed-loop system technology, so it requires as little as 10% of the space and water you’d use with traditional growing.


Meet Tower Garden HOME: Simple Indoor Vertical Gardening

Choose Your
Tower Garden System

Tower Garden

…represents the next generation of urban farming

Highly Efficient

…aeroponic vertical growing system that’s less than 3 square feet.


…growing that’s healthier for the environment.

Grows Up To 30% More

…food, 3 times faster, using 90% less water.

No Soil

…means no weeding, tilling or kneeling.

No Learning Curve

…or big time commitment.


…indoors/outdoors year round.


…enough to grow almost any vegetables, greens, herbs, flowers and some fruits.

Daily Access

…to fresh, organic produce locally grown in your own space.


…lasts a lifetime and easily pays for itself – typically in a year.


…made from USDA-approved, UV-stabilized food-grade plastic.

My Services, My Brands

Shred 10

A lifestyle change program that helps you take care of the one body you have. It’s a fun, effective, and do-able jump-start to better health.

Juice Plus+

Yes! The same brand proven in prestigious medical and scientific journals. Juice Plus+ whole food capsules, shakes & chews.

Tower Garden

Want a garden but don’t have the space or the ideal growing conditions? Get vertical! Tower Garden grows greens, herbs, tomatoes & vegetables indoor/outdoor year-round.

Nutrient Rich Kids

The school and community gardening program tied to academics to teach kids to grow their own food & live healthy, active lives.

Diamonds and Jewelry

Personalized concierge service to make your diamond and jewelry experience truly unique!

Freedom Revolution

Partner with us to inspire healthy living in others and create an amazing lifestyle for yourself…

Get Expert Advice

Stay up to date on the cutting edge of health and fitness and receive VIP access to specials and promotions.
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